Monday, January 12, 2009

Dangers of Microwave Cooking

In a study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli cooked in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97 percent of the beneficial antioxidant chemicals it contains. By comparison, steamed broccoli lost only 11 percent or fewer of its antioxidants.

When microwaving, caracinogenic toxins are leached from the plastic containers or plastic wrap used to microwave foods.

If you are familiar with homeopathy, you will instantly realize the problem. Microwaves heat your food by causing it to resonate at very high frequencies. While this can effectively heat your food, it also causes a change in the chemical structure of the food that can lead to health issues.

Microwave cooking changes the molecular structure of food. In test subjects who ate microwaved food, the following changes in blood chemistry were observed:

Decrease in hemoglobin values
Decrease in HDL Cholesterol (the good kind)
Decrease in lymphocytes and leukocytes (white blood cells, the ones that kill germs)
Increase in luminous power by luminous bacteria exposed to blood of volunteers (in essence, radioactive energy was passed on from the microwaved food to the blood cells of those who ate the food)

In other words, the implications are that a person who eats microwaved food for an extended period could become anemic due to destruction of hemoglobin, have an increase in heart disease from the decrease in good cholesteral and the ratio between good and bad cholesterol, and could become subject to a host of contagious diseases due to immune system compromise.

It has also been discovered that when microwaved, molecules are torn apart and deformed. These cells become extremely vulnerable to viruses, fungi, and other micro-organisms. These cells' ability to repair themselves is suppressed so that rather than producing water and carbon dioxide in the process of cell repair, hydrogen peroxide and carbon monoxide are produced. Can you imagine eating food filled with carbon monoxide? Can you imagine your own cells producing this compound?

When food is exposed to microwaves, the destruction and deformation of the molecules produces substances called radiolytic compounds, and the effects of these substances upon health is unknown.

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