Saturday, January 3, 2009


Health and wellness seems to be in vogue nowadays. You could clearly see that with the proliferation of spas, massage parlors, supplements and all sorts of health related products, services and gadgets. People have realized that it is better to go on the preventive side than to be ill with a chronic disease like cancer, diabetes or coronary heart disease.

This is a good development as this would lead to a better quality of life. People live better and live longer. It is after all futile to live a long existence when you are bedridden or are afflicted by a chronic disease.

There also seems to be a decline in the sickness industry and that of prescription medicines because people have found that it would be more cost effective and efficient to nip the rose in the bud and take care of the problem before it even becomes a problem.

The great inventor Thomas Edison stated it best. He said that doctors of the future would give no medicine but administer the care of the body temple. This may not be a hundred percent true yet. However, this is slowly coming into fruition.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy stimulates the immune system, strengthens resistance to disease and helps to combat infections. It is especially helpful for women's problems - PMS, menopausal distress. It aids digestion - eases constipation and abdominal spasm - and optimises the functioning of respiratory system - helps with coughs, tonsillitis, and sinusitis. It eases muscular aches and pains and promotes muscle relaxation and tone. By improving circulation and lymphatic drainage it helps to eliminate cellulite and toxins from the body. Aromatherapy can lower blood pressure, reduces stress level, will combat insomnia and other stress related disorders. It can alleviate tension headaches and helps to deal with different emotions, such as anxiety, mild depression, grief, etc.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why Be Healthy

Why be healthy? is a very good question. Some people have the idea of eat, drink and be merry. Some other people say life is too short so just have fun. I mean all of us will die anyway.

The answer here lies in the quality of life that we would want to live. Do you want to live a long eighty years but half of it is spent bedridden? Or would you rather be hiking in the mountains, checking up on your stocks and playing with your grand kids?

Being healthy allows us to do more. Whether it be for fun leisurely activities or for work or business. The healthier you are the more productive you can be. How productive can you be when you have to take leaves of absence from the office? That is zero productivity.

Adding to that, being healthy is also more cost effective. With the skyrocketing costs of medicines and treatments not to mention hospital bills, it is cheaper to stay healthy. an ounce of prevention is indeed worth more than a pound of cure. Undergoing therapies and buying vitamins may seem expensive now but in the long run they are cheaper than getting diabetes, cancer or coronary heart disease. If you don't believe me go to your local drugstore and check the cost of statin drugs and other prescription medicines. It will give you a heart attack.

In parting our life on Earth is just time given to us by God. It may be a short twenty years or a long hundred years. Whichever the case wouldn't it be nice to live that life healthy and able to glorify God? I mean the human body is God's temple and as stewards of that temple it would be fitting to take care of it.