Sunday, April 12, 2009

What are Blackheads

A blackhead is a yellowish or blackish bump or plug on the skin. A blackhead is a type of acne vulgaris. It is caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance found in these bumps mostly consists of keratin and modified sebum (an oily secretion of the sebaceous gland), which darkens (resembling dirt) as it oxidizes

Friday, April 10, 2009

Veggie Burger Recipe

Makes 8 good sized patties:

This quick, easy, kid-friendly vegetarian tofu burger recipe is a sure way to get your kids or anyone else to eat tofu. Tofu burgers are a favorite with all our family and friends.

Half the tofu burger recipe if you're a small family, or save the leftover mix for sloppy joes, or scambled tofu. Improvise freely with the seasonings and the grains. But if you want onions, use them on the outside, not the inside - too wet.

Add all your favorite veggie burger fixings, fries, corn on the cob, whatever you like. Or go healthy, and serve the patties with steamed veggies and brown rice.


  • 1 lb extra firm tofu
  • 1/4 c each whole wheat flour, corn flour, & rolled oats
  • 1/2 c parsley tops or fresh basil leaves, washed & dried
  • 1 tsp each paprika, coriander, cumin
  • 1/2 tsp dried basil or thyme
  • 1/4 tsp ginger
  • pinch cayenne
  • 1/2 tsp salt and/or 1 Tbsp liquid aminos or soy sauce


  1. Heat a non-stick frying pan on medium with olive oil, or your favorite cooking oil. I add a pinch of asefetida (hing) to the oil for extra flavor. Garlic works too if you like it.
  2. Cut tofu into 1 inch chunks, and add to food processor. If you don't have one, mash by hand or with a potato masher, and finely chop the parsley or basil first.
  3. Throw in everything else and mix well by hand, or on low in the food processor just until it all clumps up.
  4. Form into thin patties, and fry in small amount of oil, on medium heat, 5-7 minutes on each side, or until golden brown.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Power of Krystals

Agate - helps to awaken your inherent talents, increases creativity and stimulates intellectual as well as analytical abilities. This stone gives you the confidence to be the best you can be in achieving success by instilling courage and dispelling fears in the wearer.

Amber - Amber absorbs negative energies and transforms them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself. It can also help counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies.

Amethyst - has the power to calm the mind and emotions, creating a sense of peace. Amethyst also stimulates the intellectual and creative side of you. Amethysts are very powerful for people who suffer sleepless nights or for those with disturbing dreams and nightmares.

Ametrine - is an extremely energetic quartz of courage and harmony that contains both Amethyst and Citrine. Ametrine expels prejudice, stimulates creativity, strengthens concentration, promotes optimism and aids thinking things through.

Aquamarine - This beautiful crystal is reputedly able to dampen fears and gives its wearer a sense of confidence. It promotes communication and helps one to express oneselves. It is beneficial to wear it to examinations or while meditating.

Aventurine - This crystal promotes clarity of mind and self confidence thus reinforces decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities. Aventurine helps you to focus and find creative solutions when you're feeling overwhelmed by problems.

Bloodstone - believed to have great magical and protective properties, possessing the ability to banish evil, keep out undesirable influences and dispel negativity. As its name suggests, Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser.

Carnelian - promotes happiness, creativity, steadfastness, confidence, courage, analytical power and assertiveness, and helps one to achieve greater success in career and personal matters.

Charoite - Charoite transmutes negativity and cleanses the aura. It bestows drive and vigor and is able to reduce stress and worry, bringing about a relaxed attitude. Charoite is also used to overcome obsessions and compulsions.

Clear Quartz - has very strong powers of protection against anyone who doesn't mean you well. Clear Quartz is a pure and powerful energy source which has the ability to transmit and receive energy.

Garnet - is also known as the stone of health, passion and romantic love. It enhances one's sexuality, sensuality and intimacy. Garnet also helps one to effectively deal with high stress, sadness, depression and critical situations.

Hematite - In physical healing, crystal healers credit Hematite with the ability to stimulate iron absorption, which in turn improves oxygen supply to the body and blood circulation.

Jade - is a desired stone prized for thousands of year in China for its protective powers and healing qualities. It is also said to stimulate creativity and mental agility, and enhance one's health. Jade is regarded as a symbol of the good and the beautiful.

Jasper - The powerful Jasper crystal is a stone that cools, soothes and calms the mind and nerves, hence reduces stress and brings tranquility. It enhances one's ability to relax and heal if necessary.

Lapis Lazuli - helps make one feel more empowered and cultivate a more fearless, adventuresome spirit and encourages taking charge of life. It also stimulates the higher faculties of the mind, bringing objectivity and clarity.

Moonstone - or Moonstone is most a great stone used to alleviate period pains, reduce emotional turbulence during menopause and enhances fertility. Moonstone helps bring out the best feminine qualities in a woman, provides emotional balance and enhances her sensitivity and intuition.

Obsidian - is perfect to boost your personal self-esteem and confidence. Obsidian is a very protective stone and is excellent for blocking out and dissolving negative energies, thus protecting you against evil intentions.

Onyx - is believed to be a powerful protection stone that absorbs negative forces and influences and transforms them into positive ones. Onyx is also said to have been helpful to people who are trying to move on after a bad relationships or let go of past attachments.

Peridot - is a helpful stone used to 'open' the heart and let go of "old baggage" such as people or the past, and to assist one to admit mistakes and move on. Peridot is also reputed to be a great stone to alleviate jealousy, anger, resentment and spite.

Prehnite - is a stone of unconditional love and the crystal to heal the healer. Prehnite enhances precognition and inner knowing. It is a stone that enables you always to be prepared, no matter what.

Rhodochrosite - is a crystal that represents selfless love and compassion, excellent for the heart and relationships. It is also a helpful stone used to remove denial, lift depressed mood, promote positive attitude, self-worth and acknowledgement of painful feelings.

Rose Quartz - Widely known as the 'Love Stone', Rose Quartz is most favored for its ability in speeding up the process for those seeking true love, mending broken relationships and jazzing up your existing romance life.

Ruby - is a very energetic stone that imparts vigor to life, fires enthusiasm, encourages passion for life and motivates one in achieving goals. Like citrine, it is also a stone of abundance that has the power to help prevent financial losses

Rutilated Quartz - is said to be the most energizing and uplifiting stone with anti-depressive effect. Rutilated Quartz is believed to relieve loneliness, attract love and stabilize relationships. It is also used to bring new hope, relieve guilt, aid sleep, assist decision making and enhance creativity.

Sapphire - is known as the wisdom stone. Blue sapphire is traditionally associated with love and purity. It focuses and calms the mind and releases unwanted thoughts and mental tension. Place on the throat, sapphire releases frustration and facilitates self-expression.

Smoky quartz - is a good stone to overcome lethargy. It encourages concentration and pragmatism. It is also an excellent stone used to absorb electromagnetic smog (detectable electromagnetic field that can be very harmful to sensitive people).

Sodalite - is a stone that instills a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs. Sodalite clears electromagnetic pollution and can be placed on computers to block their emanations

Tiger's Eye - gives out energy that encourages your passion for life to blossom and stimulates your willpower and the desire for success. Tiger's Eye also promotes self confidence, self esteem, integrity, positive outlook on life as well as arms you with strength, courage and determination.

Turquoise - gives you tranquility refreshment and pushes you through with resourcefulness and enhances communication. It creates self awareness and promotes foresight.
Turquoise is reputed to be responsible for faithfulness and reliable relationships.

Watermelon Tourmaline - is a crystal particularly effective in promoting self-love and opening one's heart up to accept love. It increases happiness, serenity, compassion, tolerance and understanding in its wearer.

Zoisite - is a crystal that has the ability to transmute negative energies into positive ones. It is also a helpful stone used to dispel lethargy and promote expression of repressed feelings and emotions. Mentally, Zoisite increases creativity and focus.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sauna Benefits

Our modern lifestyle makes most people's skin inactive. Many of us don't sweat, especially during the winter months. Modern synthetic fibres or tight clothing that doesn't allow the skin to breathe, can damage our skin and our natural ability for elimination, as does excessive prolonged sun exposure. A sedentary lifestyle also inactivates the skin.

Our skin is exposed to hundreds of chemicals during the course of our life, and is affected by them. From innocent bath products such as shampoos, shower gels, lotions and soaps to deodorants. Household cleaning solvents, detergent residues on clothes and chemicals from the bath or shower water also affect the skin.

Regular use of the sauna gradually restores the skin's elimination ability. Sweating removes toxic chemicals and metals faster than other detox method. It is a good habit that pays many health dividends.

The sauna's benefits are numerous. Not least because it is so relaxing and leaves your body soothed and your mind serene. It's main advantage lies in the fact that it promotes sweating, helping the body to rid itself of toxins. It is also believed that exposure of the skin to heat stimulates the production of white blood cells and strengthens the immune system.

Other benefits of the sauna include:

  • Improved blood circulation: The sauna increases and improves the rate of blood circulation and breathing.
  • Weight loss: Sauna is similar to mild exercise, it burns about 300 calories per average session. Regular sauna treatments combined with a healthy diet and moderate exercise will help you lose weight and stay fit and healthy.
  • Skin cleansing: A profuse sauna-induced sweat followed by a shower cleanses your skin far more thoroughly than just taking a shower. It makes it soft and healthy with immediately noticeable effects.
  • Body relaxation: Stress build-up creates tension in the body manifesting in various aches and pains. The heat and humidity of the sauna diffuses the pain and relaxes tired muscles. A sauna in the evening will leave tense muscles and sore limbs totally relaxed. Sauna also temporarily relieves arthritic pain.
  • Mind relaxation: The sauna is essentially a place to relax. Regular sauna adepts all agree that it effectively helps relieve physical and mental fatigue and stress.

The sauna enhances circulation and oxygenates the cells, tissues and organs. It increases the body's ability to produce energy, which promotes healing. At the same time, heating the tissues speeds up the metabolism. Your cells are gradually capable of eliminating toxins much more effectively.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What is Alpha Lipoic Acid

Scientists discovered the importance of alpha-lipoic acid in the 1950s, and recognized it as an antioxidant in 1988. The body needs alpha-lipoic acid to produce energy. It plays a crucial role in the energy-producing structures in cells. The body actually makes enough alpha-lipoic acid for this basic function. Alpha-lipoic acid acts as an antioxidant, however, only when there is an excess of it and it is in the "free" state in the cells. There is little free alpha-lipoic acid circulating in your body, unless you consume supplements or get it injected. Alpha-lipoic acid is a versatile antioxidant—it helps deactivate an unusually wide array of cell-damaging free radicals in many bodily systems.

Claims, purported benefits: Alpha-lipoic acid is said to prevent or treat many age-related diseases, from heart disease, and stroke to diabetes and Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as declines in energy, muscle strength, brain function, and immunity. Alpha-lipoic acid is also being studied for HIV disease and multiple sclerosis.

Friday, April 3, 2009

About Hypotension

Low blood pressure is known as hypotension. It is in essence the opposite of high blood pressure, and happens when the heart does not need to do much work at all to push blood.

Since most people are aiming to lower their blood pressure from too-high levels, and since exercisers and others in very good health often have low blood pressure, it is not necessarily a "bad" state to be in.

What doctors call low blood pressure is when someone's blood pressure is lower than their NORMAL range. So say your normal blood pressure is 120/60. Then say you have some sort of accident and loose a lot of blood, and now your blood pressure is down to 90/30. You have very low blood pressure now because you are MISSING blood in your body and need to get some added back in.

In the same way, say your typical blood pressure was 200/150. This would be very high blood pressure. But say you had an accident and lost a lot of blood. Your blood pressure could now be down to 120/60. For many people this would be "OK" and healthy. But for YOU this is very low and dangerous, because your body is used to having a much different situation. You would need to be restored to your typical levels.

Causes of unhealthy low blood pressure include:

* dehydration
* injury or trauma
* allergic reactions to drugs

Low blood pressure also happens in older people if they stand up too fast - the blood does not get to their head quickly and they get dizzy. Sitting or lying down can help with this. In the few cases when an individual has a truly low blood pressure, they will have a lack of energy and frequent dizziness.

If your blood pressure is normally below 90/60, it might be good to talk to your doctor about hypotension. Also, if your blood pressure drops 30% or more below your normal blood pressure levels, this is also considered a situation worthy of examining.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Farmer's Walk

This is a move you sometimes see in competition. In the traditional version, you pick up heavy weights in each hand and walk as fast as you can for as far as you can. In this version, you push a heavy weight overhead and walk, keeping your arms locked and your core very tight to support you. You can use a barbell or heavy dumbbells...or anything heavy that you can get a good grip on. Simply push the weight overhead (have a spotter nearby to help if you need to) and walk across the room holding the weight overhead (or at your sides). Repeat for as many laps as you can handle. You'll notice you have to use every muscle in your body to stay in control, so this is a wonderful whole body exercise.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Krystal Golds Pricelist

While everything seems to be going up in price, Krystal Golds tries to help out consumers by deferring price increases. In our own little way, we hope to provide quality affordable wellness solutions to the general public.

















Monday, March 30, 2009

Importance of Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, helps fuel your body by converting blood sugar into energy. It keeps your mucous membranes healthy and is essential for nervous system, cardiovascular and muscular function.

Nutritionists categorize vitamins by the materials that a vitamin will dissolve in. There are two categories: water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins, which include the B-complex group and vitamin C, travel through the bloodstream. Whatever water-soluble vitamins are not used by the body are eliminated in urine, which means you need a continuous supply of them in your food. Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin.

How Much Vitamin B1 Is Enough?
Women should have 1.1 milligrams every day, and men should have 1.5 milligrams every day.

Sources of Vitamin B1
The best sources of Vitamin B1 are yeasts and liver. The following foods are good sources of Vitamin B1:

  • Pork
  • Whole-grain cereals
  • Rye and whole-wheat flour
  • Wheat germ
  • Navy beans and kidney beans

Can You Have Too Much or Too Little?
It's pretty rare in the United States for a person to be deficient in this vitamin. A lack of it can cause beriberi, a condition that involves confusion, muscle wasting, nerve problems and a rapid heartbeat. It's usually only seen in the United States in babies who are fed formula that isn't supplemented with Vitamin B1 or in people who drink large amounts of alcohol. People who drink heavily should talk to their doctors about how to quit drinking and whether they need vitamin B1 supplements.

Vitamin Storage
If you want to get the most vitamins possible from your food, refrigerate fresh produce and keep milk and grains away from strong light. Vitamins are easily destroyed and washed out during food preparation and storage. If you take vitamin supplements, store them at room temperature in a dry place that's free of moisture.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sea Buckthorn Health Benefits

Preliminary findings suggest that Sea Buckthorn (particularly extracts of the oil, juice, leaves and bark) may help improve a wide variety of health conditions, including heart disease, cholesterol balance, high blood pressure, stroke, gingivitis, eye diseases, immune function and red blood cell production after chemotherapy.

Nutrient and phytochemical properties of Sea Buckthorn berries, particularly oils, have exceptional properties as antioxidants possibly relevant to inhibiting inflammatory disorders, cancer and numerous other diseases. The seed and pulp oils have been specifically studied for nutritional properties under different methods of processing.

The fruit of the plant has a high vitamin C content - about 12 times greater than the amount found in oranges which makes it one of the most enriched plant sources of vitamin C. The fruit also contains dense contents of carotenoids, vitamin E, amino acids, dietary minerals, β-sitosterol and polyphenolic acids.

There are five areas of research that have been focal points for their use: as an aid to patients undergoing cancer therapy; a long-term therapy for reduction of cardiovascular risk factors; treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers; internal and topical therapy for a variety of skin disorders; and as a liver protective agent (for chemical toxins) and a remedy for liver cirrhosis.

Most research in this area has been done with laboratory animals. A group in India has published several reports on the potential of a Sea Buckthorn extract to protect the bone marrow from damage due to radiation. Their studies also showed that the extract may help speed up recovery of bone marrow cells.

Protective effect of RH-3 with special reference to radiation induced micronuclei in mouse bone marrow
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2002 May

A study conducted in China suggested faster recovery of the hemopoietic system after high doses chemotherapy in mice fed the Sea Buckthorn oil.

Study on the effects of the oil from Hippophae rhamnoides in hematopoiesis
Chinese Herbal Drugs 2003

Preliminary laboratory studies have also found that the seed oil enhances non-specific immunity and provides anti-tumor effects.

Effects of Hippophae rhamnoides juice on immunologic and antitumor functions
1993 Acta Nutrimenta Sinica

Effects of the total flavonoid of Hippophae rhamnoides on nonspecific immunity in animals
Shanxi Medical Journal 1989

More well-designed clinical studies with Sea Buckthorn are needed to determine its effectiveness on cancer patients in humans.

In a double-blind clinical trial conducted in China, 128 patients with ischemic heart disease, patients showed a decrease in cholesterol levels and improved cardiac function with less angina than those receiving the control drug. The study indicated no harmful effect in renal or hepatic functions.

Treatment of ischemic heart diseases with flavonoids of Hippophae rhamnoides,
Chinese Journal of Cardiology 1987

Sea Buckthorn oil may result in reduced stress of cardiac muscle tissue by regulation of inflammatory mediators.

The inhibitory effect of total flavonoids of hippophae on the activation of NF-kappa ß by stretching cultured cardiac myocytes
Sichuan University Medical Journal 2003

In a laboratory animal study, the flavonoids of Sea Buckthorn were shown to reduce the production of pathogenic thrombosis in mice.

Inhibitory effects of total flavones of Hippophae rhamnoides on thrombosis in mouse femoral artery and in vitro platelet aggregation
Life Sciences 2003

Formulas containing Sea Buckthorn have been developed recently for treating cardiac disorders. One such formula is a liquid preparation of Sea Buckthorn flavonoids with carthamus (safflower) and licorice, called Ai Xin Bao which is intended for use in treatment of coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, by improving blood circulation and restoring cardiac function.

Laboratory studies suggest that Sea Buckthorn is effective in the treatment of gastric ulcers. It is believed that it normalizes output of gastric acid and reduces inflammation by controlling pro-inflammatory mediators.

Antiulcerogenic effect of Hippophae rhamnoides
Phytother Res. 2001 Nov

Effects of Sea Buckthorn seed and pulp oils on experimental models of gastric ulcer in rats
Fitoterapia 2002

In one clinical trial, researchers found that that Sea Buckthorn extracts helped normalize liver enzymes, serum bile acids, and immune system markers involved in liver inflammation and degeneration. In other studies, Sea Buckthorn oil was shown to protect the liver from damaging effects of toxic chemicals.

Effect of Sea Buckthorn on liver fibrosis: a clinical study
World Journal of Gastroenterology 2003

Acute toxicity of flesh oil of Hippophae rhamnoides and its protection against experimental hepatic injury
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1990


There is a vast amount of experimental data confirming the important properties of Sea Buckthorn. It has the potential to play an important role in human health, but the studies are from from conclusive, and much more research on humans will be required. With such exceptional nutrient density, Sea Buckthorn is sure to be a focus of intense research and product development for years to come.

Friday, March 27, 2009

History of the Reishi Mushroom

In Chinese, they are called “”ling-zhi.”" Reishi is a large, dark, mushroom with a glossy exterior. Reishi differs from the supermarket varieties in that its texture is similar to wood. In traditional Chinese medicine, Reishi is in the most highly rated herb category in terms of multiple benefit and absence of side effects. It is the only known source of a group of triter penes known as ganoderic acids, which have a molecular structure similar to steroid hormones. It has the most active polysaccharides (long “”chains”" of sugars) among medicinal plant sources. Reishi also contains ergosterols, complete proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Wild Reishi is scarce and suffers from adverse environmental conditions such as insect infestation, lack of proper nutrients, non-optimum temperatures, and lack of humidity. The timing of the harvest cannot be controlled, and the mature Reishi has already lost most of its digestible active ingredients. The active ingredients in the dried mushroom may also have lost much of their beneficial biological activity. The 6 different types of Reishi (differentiated by color: red, purple, blue, yellow, black, white) recorded in Chinese pharmacopoeia are actually one species grown under different conditions. In 1972, a Japanese researcher who pioneered the growing of Reishi demonstrated that by varying the conditions of growth, Reishi of 6 different colors can be grown from the same species.

Reishi are polypore mushrooms. Mushrooms are the fruiting body and reproductive structure of a higher order fungus organism, much like an orange is the fruit of an orange tree. The actual mushroom organism or “”tree”" is a fine thread-like network called mycelium. This mycelium is for the most part subterranean, living in soil, logs and other organic litter.

Unlike green plants, which produce many of their own nutrients by photosynthesis, mushrooms primarily source their nutrients from dead organic matter or soil. Mushrooms and their mycelium are nature’s original recyclers. Without them, the Earths’ surface would be piled high with dead, decaying material. Mushrooms rise out of the mycelium when the right nutrients are amassed and the right environmental conditions are present. Mushrooms release spores at maturity. The wind spreads them and when they land in suitable locations, the cycle recommences.

Numerous studies of Reishi mainly in China, Korea, Japan and the United States show effectiveness of Reishi for a very wide range of diseases and symptoms. But the studies have not given indisputable explanation on its healing mechanism because none of its presumed and known active components taken alone have given better results as a whole than the intake of Reishi itself.

Its effectiveness applies to many areas so it is difficult to classify each of them and conduct research in each field. It is perhaps more comprehensible at this time, to explain Reishi’s “”miraculous powers”" from the Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view.

In the West, we have separated and classified each disease meticulously, and have specialized in each of them to such a degree that it seems today as if each disease is autonomous and standing alone.

Oriental Medicine, resulting from knowledge accumulated through 4000 years of human observation, asserts that health can be maintained by sustaining the right balance within the body and that diseases can be cured by restoring this balance through nutrition, including medicinal herbs, exercise and mental peace. In other words, a disease is believed to be the tip of an iceberg, the result of the underlying imbalance of the body which must be restored.

The 2000 years old medicinal book “”Seng Nong’s Herbal Classic”", considered today as the oldest book on oriental herbal medicine, classifies 365 species of roots of grass, woods, furs, animals and stones separates herbal medicines into 3 categories. The first category, called superior, includes herbs effective for multiple diseases and mostly responsible for maintaining and restoring the body balance. They have no unfavorable side effects. The second category, middle, comprises tonics and boosters and their consumption must not be prolonged. The third category, low, must be taken usually in small dosages and for specific ailments. This category includes some poisonous herbs. Reishi, ranked number one of the superior medicines, was the most exalted medicine in ancient times.

All observations show that Reishi has no side effects and can be consumed in high dosages and in parallel with other medications. Its main properties are the cleansing of blood, enhancement of the immune system and the lessening of nervous tension. These properties are conducive to normalizing and balancing the body and as a result preempt cure a multitude of diseases from within.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dragon Fruit Nutritional Information

Nutritional information

The typical nutritional values per 100 g of raw pitaya (of which 55 g are edible) are as follows:

  • Water 80-90 g
  • Carbohydrates 9-14 g
  • Protein 0.15-0.5 g
  • Fat 0.1-0.6 g
  • Fiber 0.3-0.9 g
  • Ash 0.4-0.7 g
  • Calories: 35-50
  • Calcium 6-10 mg
  • Iron 0.3-0.7 mg
  • Phosphorus 16 - 36 mg
  • Carotene (Vitamin A) traces
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) traces
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) traces
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3) 0.2-0.45 mg
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 4-25 mg

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Krystal Spa's House Tea

Krystal Spa offers its guests a cup of complimentary Ginger Chamomile Tea. Ginger Chamomile Tea is distinguished by its unique taste, aroma and soothing qualities. Aside from being an act of hospitality, Krystal Spa offers Ginger Chamomile Tea tea since it has a lot of health benefits. So visit Krystal Spa today and enjoy a cup of revitalizing Ginger Chamomile Tea.

Health Benefits of Chamomile

-boosts the immune system and fight infections associated with colds

-relieves muscle spasms and menstrual cramps in women

-relaxes the nerves

-soothes the stomach

-reduces inflammation

-improves liver function

-helps relieve back pain

-helps relieve rheumatism

Health Benefits of Ginger

-relieves nausea

-combats motion sickness

-helps digestive processes

-combats inflammation

-reduces dizziness

-limits flatulence

-controls chronic pain

-eases the pain of muscle aches and rheumatoid arthritis

-minimizes symptoms of the common cold, allergies, and other respiratory conditions

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stress Relief Starts At P298

What could P300 get us nowadays? Load for our prepaid phone? Two burger meals for you and your partner? Well not much. But at Krystal Wellness we aim to introduce products which are value for money. We want our products to be the best they could be at a price everyone could afford.

For only P298 you could avail of our best-selling combo massage. This massage combines Swedish, Shiatsu, Body Works Stimulation, Magarao Parahilot and Holistic Massage. The purpose of this combo massage is to stimulate the body's natural flow of energy to promote overall health. Not to mention help the body to detoxify, relieve aches and pains and to induce relaxation.

Try this out and visit Krystal Wellness today!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chino Trinidad Enjoys A Session

Chino Trinidad, a popular sports celebrity takes time off from the rigors of his daily work to have a massage at Krystal Wellness!

Well you do not have to be a celebrity to be pampered, even ordinary people like you and me deserve the superb service and the unique products that only Krystal Wellness could deliver. You could try to have your own session at their relaxing facility or at the convenience of your own home!

Just call 9732045 / 09178712813 for home service!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chicken Soup with Vegetables Recipe

  • 1 (3 pound) whole chicken
  • 1 onion, cut into thick slices
  • 5 stalks celery, thickly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon packed fresh basil leaves
  • 1 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
  • 5 carrots, sliced
  • 1 yellow squash, thinly sliced
  • 1 zucchini, thinly sliced
  • 1 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 12 ounces fresh tortellini pasta
  • 2 tablespoons chicken soup base
  • 2 cups uncooked egg noodles

  1. Place chicken, onion, celery, salt, basil, and pepper in a 10 quart stock pot. Fill stock pot with water until ingredients are fully covered and bring to a boil. Let simmer for 1 and 1/2 hours or until chicken is tender.
  2. Remove chicken from pot with slotted spoon and set aside for later.
  3. Add carrots, squash, zucchini, mushrooms, red pepper, tortellini, chicken soup base and uncooked noodles to stock pot and increase temperature to medium heat.
  4. While noodles and vegetables are cooking, tear chicken apart from bones. Cut up into pieces and add to soup in stock pot. Be sure to add additional water if ingredients are not fully covered. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for about 10 minutes or just until noodles are cooked. Enjoy

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Head Heart Balancer

Many of the health problems that we have stem from inadequate blood circulation. Thus we have the head heart balancer which helps regulate the blood supply meridian channel. This helps people with hypertension, hypotension, falling hair, stress and headache. This treatment also helps get rid of harmful radiation and helps balance your body system.

Krystal Spa offers this service at a very reasonable price and gives a BONUS of 15 minutes of Bodyworks stimulation.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Kimchi Recipe

  • 1 lb sized head Chinese cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt
  • 4 cups cold water
  • 1 tablespoon fresh garlic, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon green onion, finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons dried chili pepper flakes
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt


Separate and wash the cabbage leaves.

Sprinkle them with the 2 tbsp of salt.

Place them in a non corrosive dish (Pyrex) and pour in the 4 cups cold water, cover with plastic wrap and place in fridge over night.

The water should cover the leaves if not place a heavy object on them to keep them submerged.

After sitting overnight pour off the water and rinse the leaves well, shake out excess moisture. ( I used my lettuce dryer to remove the extra moisture).

Mix the garlic, ginger, green onion,chili flakes,sugar & 1 tbsp salt, stir together.

Pour 11/2 cups of very hot water over the mixed seasoning.

Place cabbage leaves in a large zip lock bag or in a bowl, pour in the seasoning, mix well so the seasoning is on every leaf.

Place in the fridge for two days. Flip the bag every time you open the fridge door.

To serve cut the leaves into 2" strips and serve as a side condiment.

To store pack the cabbage into a jar and store in the fridge it will keep for several days to a week or more.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Healthy Granola Bar Recipe

1/2 c. soft butter
3/4 c. brown sugar
1/3 c. corn syrup
1 egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla
3 1/2 c. quick oatmeal
1 c. chocolate chips
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 x 13 inch pan. Beat butter, sugar, and syrup until light and fluffy. Blend in egg and vanilla. Add and mix oats and chips. Press firmly into pan. Bake 20 to 23 minutes. Cool a couple hours. Cut.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bodyworx Stimulation

Get rid of back aches, pains and backaches!

Try our Bodyworx Stimulation TODAY!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chicken Soup Recipe

For generations parents have given chicken soup to soothe colds. Here is a healthy chicken soup recipe.
  • Stock
  • 1 chicken, about 3 1/2 pounds
  • 8 cups chicken broth
  • few sprigs rosemary, or about 1 teaspoon dried
  • few sprigs thyme, or about 1 teaspoon dried
  • 1 clove garlic, sliced
  • 1 carrot, cut in chunks
  • 2 ribs celery, cut in chunks, with leaves
  • 1 small onion, coarsely chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground pepper
  • -
  • Soup
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 2 shallots, minced
  • 1 carrot, diced
  • 2 ribs celery, diced
  • 6 green onions, with green, thinly sliced
  • 6 tablespoons flour
  • 6 cups reserved chicken broth
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 2 to 3 cups diced chicken breast
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • salt and pepper, to taste


In a large stockpot, combine chicken with the broth, sprigs of rosemary and thyme (or dried), garlic, carrot chunks, celery chunks, and coarsely chopped onion and coarsely ground black pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer for about 1 hour. Strain broth into a bowl; cover and refrigerate. Put chicken in a bowl; cover and refrigerate.

When broth has cooled, skim excess fat off the top. Measure 6 cups into a separate bowl; set aside. Dice chicken breast and transfer about 2 1/2 to 3 cups to a bowl. Cover and refrigerate. Refrigerate remaining chicken for another use, such as a casserole or chicken salad for sandwiches.

In a large saucepan or the same stockpot, cleaned, melt 1/4 cup butter over medium-low heat. Add minced shallot, diced celery, and diced carrot. Sauté for about 6 minutes. Add green onion and sauté for 1 minute longer. Stir in flour until well blended. Add the 6 cups reserved chicken broth. Cook, stirring frequently, until vegetables are just tender, about 10 minutes. Add peas and chicken; continue cooking for about 5 minutes longer. Stir in the heavy cream. Taste and add salt and pepper, as needed. Serves 8.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Healthy Pineapple

Health benefits of pineapples

One of the most important enzymes in pineapples is bromelain and it is bromelain that holds the key to many of the pineapple's health benefits. Fresh pineapple is full of these sulphur-containing, protein-digesting compounds so, what can they do for you?

Bromelain and pineapples

Bromelain has been found to be a useful anti-inflammatory, effective in reducing swelling and assisting in the treatment of conditions such as acute sinusitis, sore throat, arthritis and gout. For increased effectiveness, pineapple should be eaten between meals without other food. This is because of another of bromelaid's properties, that as an aid to digestion. If eaten with other food, bromelaid's health benefits will be taken up in helping to digest the other food.

Pineapple is high in anti-oxidants

A very good source of vitamin C, pineapple offers your body an excellent protection against free-radicals, substances that attack healthy cells. A build up of free-radicals can lead to atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, an increase in asthma attacks and an increased risk of developing certain cancers, such as colon cancer. Free-radicals have also been shown to accentuate the problems associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin C, your body's most important water-soluble anti-oxidant has proven itself invaluable in fighting against and aiding treatment for these conditions.

Vitamin C is, of course, also an excellent cold and flu fighter due to its importance to the proper functioning of the immune system.


Pineapple is also an excellent source of manganese, a mineral essential in some of the enzymes necessary in the body for energy production. It also has very good amounts of thiamine (vitamin B1) which is also important in these energy producing enzymes.

Macular degeneration

Pineapple and other fruit has been shown to be important in maintaining good eye health, helping to protect against age-related eye problems. Three serves of fruit a day, in particular those high in anti-oxidants, has been shown to lower your risk of developing this potentially debilitating condition.

Pineapple stems

There are even some beneficial molecules hidden in the stems of pineapples, Australian research has found. These molecules have been seen to act as a defence against certain types of cancer. The types of cancer benefited by these molecules are ovarian, breast, lung, colon and skin cancer.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Facts About Water

The human body, which is made up of between 55 and 75 percent water (lean people have more water in their bodies because muscle holds more water than fat), is in need of constant water replenishment.

Your lungs expel between two and four cups of water each day through normal breathing - even more on a cold day. If your feet sweat, there goes another cup of water. If you make half a dozen trips to the bathroom during the day, that's six cups of water. If you perspire, you expel about two cups of water (which doesn't include exercise-induced perspiration).

A person would have to lose 10 percent of her body weight in fluids to be considered dehydrated, but as little as two percent can affect athletic performance, cause tiredness and dull critical thinking abilities. Adequate water consumption can help lessen the chance of kidney stones, keep joints lubricated, prevent and lessen the severity of colds and flu and help prevent constipation.

Health benefits of water

Water is crucial to your health. It makes up, on average, 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry on normal functions. Even mild dehydration - as little as a 1 percent to 2 percent loss of your body weight - can sap your energy and make you tired. Dehydration poses a particular health risk for the very young and the very old. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Little or no urination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness

How much water do you need?

Every day you lose water through sweating - noticeable and unnoticeable - exhaling, urinating and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you need to replace this water by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. So how much water, or more precisely fluid, do you need?

This isn't an easy question to answer. A healthy adult's daily fluid intake can vary widely. Most people drink fluid to quench thirst, to supply perceived water needs and "out of habit." At least three approaches estimate total fluid (water) needs for healthy, sedentary adults living in a temperate climate.

  • Replacement approach. The average urine output for adults is 1.5 liters a day. You lose close to an additional liter of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your fluid intake, so you if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups), along with your normal diet, you can replace the lost fluids.
  • Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Another approach to water intake is the "8 x 8 rule" - drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters). The rule could also be stated, "drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," as all fluids count toward the daily total. Though this approach isn't supported by scientific evidence, many people use this basic rule as a guideline for how much water and other fluids to drink.
  • Dietary recommendations. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men consume 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. These guidelines are based on national food surveys that assessed people's average fluid intakes.

You can choose any of these fluid intake approaches to gauge your fluid needs. But your current total fluid intake is probably OK if you drink enough water to quench your thirst, produce a colorless or slightly yellow normal amount of urine, and feel well.

Factors that influence water needs
You may need to modify total fluid intake from these recommended amounts depending on several factors, including how active you are, the climate, your health status, and if you're pregnant or breast-feeding.

  • Exercise. If you exercise or engage in any activity that makes you sweat, you'll need to drink extra water to compensate for that fluid loss. Drink 2 cups of water two hours before a long endurance event, for example, a marathon or half-marathon. One to 2 cups of water is also adequate for shorter bouts of exercise. During the activity, replenish fluids at regular intervals, and continue drinking water or other fluids after you're finished. During intense exercise involving significant sweating, for example, during a marathon, sodium is lost in sweat, and you may need a sports drink with sodium rather than just water.
  • Environment. You need to drink additional water in hot or humid weather to help lower your body temperature and to replace what you lose through sweating. You may also need extra water in cold weather if you sweat while wearing insulated clothing. Heated, indoor air can cause your skin to lose moisture, increasing your daily fluid requirements. And altitudes greater than 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) also can affect how much water your body needs. Higher altitudes may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing, which uses up more of your fluid reserves.
  • Illnesses or health conditions. Some signs and symptoms of illnesses, such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea, cause your body to lose extra fluids. To replace lost fluids, drink more water or oral rehydration solutions (Gatorade, Powerade, CeraLyte, others). When water loss can't be replaced orally, intravenous water and electrolytes may be necessary. Increased water intake is nearly always advised in people with urinary tract stones. On the other hand, you may need to limit the amount of water you drink if you have certain conditions that impair excretion of water - such as heart failure and some types of kidney, liver, adrenal and thyroid diseases.
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding. Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding need additional water to stay hydrated and to replenish the fluids lost, especially when nursing. The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink 2.3 liters (nearly 10 cups) of fluids a day and women who breast-feed consume 3.1 liters (about 13 cups) of fluids a day.

Beyond the tap: Many sources of water
You don't need to sip from your water bottle all day to satisfy your fluid needs. Your diet, including the beverages you drink, can provide a large portion of what you need. In an average adult diet, food provides about 20 percent of total water intake. The remaining 80 percent comes from beverages of all kinds.

Fruits and vegetables - besides being good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber - contain lots of water. For example, oranges are 87 percent water, and cucumbers are 95 percent water. Milk, juice and other beverages also have large amounts of water. Conversely, dried fruits, nuts, grain products and baked goods generally contain less water.

Make it count: Meet your water needs through food and beverages
Alcohol - such as beer and wine - and caffeinated beverages - such as coffee, tea or soda - can contribute to your total fluid intake. But your best beverage is still water. Water is calorie-free, inexpensive when drawn from a faucet or fountain, and readily available in and out of your home.

Thirst not always a reliable gauge

If you're healthy and not in any dehydrating conditions, you can generally use your thirst as an indicator of when to drink water. But thirst isn't always an adequate gauge of your body's need for fluid replenishment. The older you are, the less you're able to sense that you're thirsty. And during vigorous exercise, an important amount of your fluid reserves may be lost before you feel thirsty. So make sure that you're sufficiently hydrated before, during and after exercise.

Increased thirst and increased urination, both in volume and frequency, can be signs and symptoms of diabetes. With diabetes, excess blood sugar (glucose) in your body draws water from your tissues, making you feel dehydrated. To quench your thirst, you drink a lot of water and other beverages and that leads to more frequent urination. If you notice unexplained increases in your thirst and urination, see your doctor. It may not necessarily mean you have diabetes. It could be something else. And some people consume large amounts of water and experience increased urine output not associated with any underlying disease.