Saturday, January 3, 2009


Health and wellness seems to be in vogue nowadays. You could clearly see that with the proliferation of spas, massage parlors, supplements and all sorts of health related products, services and gadgets. People have realized that it is better to go on the preventive side than to be ill with a chronic disease like cancer, diabetes or coronary heart disease.

This is a good development as this would lead to a better quality of life. People live better and live longer. It is after all futile to live a long existence when you are bedridden or are afflicted by a chronic disease.

There also seems to be a decline in the sickness industry and that of prescription medicines because people have found that it would be more cost effective and efficient to nip the rose in the bud and take care of the problem before it even becomes a problem.

The great inventor Thomas Edison stated it best. He said that doctors of the future would give no medicine but administer the care of the body temple. This may not be a hundred percent true yet. However, this is slowly coming into fruition.

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